Buying the right golf equipment - made easy!

Dear golf beginner,

You have taken part in a taster course, signed up for a course, maybe even had your first experience on the golf course and now you want more? Maybe you would like to buy your first own golf clubs? But you still need some information and recommendations? Then we would like to give you some advice below and point out what you should pay attention to in your golf career.

It is especially important now to choose the right golf equipment. The wrong clubs or clubs that are not properly fitted will have a bad effect on your swing and your game. You can get expert advice from golfers and pros both by direct mail and in our stores. Almost all of our branches have tee-off facilities as well as the possibility to be measured for the right choice of your club set by means of a high-speed camera and biometric computer analysis.

Especially for golf beginners, serious and professionally qualified advice is the first priority. It is important that you don't just buy any supposedly cheap set of clubs - be it used or from the Internet - but that you purchase equipment that has been adapted to YOUR playing abilities. Only then can "your" golf clubs support you in your game, give you a positive feeling and ultimately give you the joy of golf.